The Starlight Eclipse
Here it is! Won "Best Color Swap" (basically best paint job) at the Texas Gunpla Club Grand Prix!
Ok, I'll let you get to the pics and save my thoughts for after the photos. Enjoy!
There it is, I hope you enjoyed the pics! I'm confident this model is my best work yet and it's a big payoff for the amount of work I put into it. I've been building Gunpla for about a year and a half now, and it's encouraging to see how far I've come since the RG 00 Raiser. Looking at this model gives me motivation to keep pushing myself, try new things and get better. Usually I get that feeling from looking at photos of other people's work but this is the first time I've looked at something I made and thought "wow, that's cool I want to do be that good". Even thinking that, I still see things I wish I'd done better, but the difference between this model and my past work is the flaws I see are not mistakes, but things I should have done but didn't. I should have painted more details like the eyes and the inside of the shoulder binders. But I don't think anyone can look at their own work and not see flaws and room for improvement.
Now I just need to figure out what to do next! Thanks for visiting :) Until next time, keep building!