Hobbytown Model Contest

I entered in the Hobbytown Boise model competition yesterday, for the third time. They hold the competition once every 6 months, and usually it's military and vehicle models with a few Gundam. A year ago, there were 5 Gundam kits, and 6 months ago there were 2 so I wasn't expecting much. But, it was announced that Bandai was sponsoring a Gundam category, so I expected more Gundam eentries. In all, there were 7, and they were pretty solid entries. While 7 isn't a big number, it's a lot for our small community here in Boise, and hopefully it'll keep growing Here's the entries:
Possibly the worst pose on a Gundam model I've ever seen. One of the other Gunpla builders saw this same model at TWO different state fairs, and then it showed up here as well! We've dubbed it "The Cursed Barbatos". I talked to the guy that did this, and he's older and usually does trucks. This is the only non vehicle model he's done and he didn't like it. He said he glued the joints into place because he couldn't get them to pose like he wanted. Ouf. I guess this hobby isn't for everyone!
This Gouf was done by my friend Luis. The weathering is decent and the pose is not bad. Took third place in the Gundam category.
Excellent Ball! I love the detail and the weathering is spot on. It really makes it look like it was a huge machine that somehow got shrunk down to tiny size.
This took first place in the Gundam category, and for good reason. First off, I totally thought it was a Hyakushiki until the builder told me it wasn't. The weathering is so subtle that it blends in until you look closely. The paint is perfect, and I couldn't find any flaws. This kit is going to the national Hobbytown model contest representing Boise!
This model gets my award for most heart. The builder is a guy named William who just started building a few months ago. He broke the leg on this kit, and decided to make it a battle damaged kit. It came out great, especially considering he didn't use paint, only some chipping and a wash.
Another entry from Luis, I like the color scheme he went with.
Photo courtesy of Hobbytown Boise because I forgot to take a pic of my own model!
Looks familiar! I entered the Starlight Eclipse after adding some detail to the inside of the binders and fixing some panel lines I kissed before. I won overall best paint! That's really special to me because it isn't best paint in the Gundam category, it's best paint overall, against every other model there. I'm proud of my award, but even more proud that a Gundam model took best paint over all the military and vehicle models there. I'll be entered into the national competition, where I'm sure I'll lose to a meticulously painted model of a tank or something.
There were some other impressive sci-fi models there as well.
This ship is from the videogame R-Type, and it was my personal favorite overall. I LOVE the weathering and the colors are amazing. The only thing that it needs is to hide those wires and battery box.
Gotta love Armored Core!
Love the weathering and panel lining on this Macross kit.
Well done weathering, you can just barely make out the snow on the feet and top. Another favorite of mine
There were some impressive Warhammer figures as well. These 3 we're done by the same guy.
This was the "main" area. Last year, all the entries fit here. This year, there were 2 more rows of models that just about doubled the number of entries from last year. It's exciting to see the competition grow!
Well, that's all for now. I'm still working on the MG Psycho Zaku backpack, still priming and sanding and priming and sanding and priming some more. I should be done with the whole thing before the new year. I have a good idea for the base that'll take more time but will definitely be worth it if it comes out like what I'm imagining. I'm REALLY looking forward to working on something else! In other news I'll be going to SCGMC hosted by Those Gundam Guys in Fullerton CA on November 10th. It's a huge independent Gunpla/sci-fi model competition and expo that I've wanted to go to for a while now. I'll be sure to take plenty of pics and post about it when I get back!
Until next time, keep building!