Vincent Longa

What I've been up to

Vincent Longa
What I've been up to

Greetings! It's been a while, yeah? Life has been busy, but it's all been a good kind of busy. I'm sitting on the stoop of our house in Boise Idaho while movers load everything we (my wife and I) own into a moving truck, again! This time we're moving across town because for the first time, we are home owners! AAAAHHH SO MUCH DEBT! The process has been pretty smooth but time consuming so I haven't had much free time to focus on modelling. But in a few weeks I'm going to setup my paint booth and workshop with a complete new layout using Honbyzone's modular system which I'm super excited about! I'm also going to start having build nights once we get the house set up. I'm taking this week off to paint the inside of the house, we're having the outside painted in a couple weeks and we started buying "real" furniture yesterday. Pretty soon we'll be real adults with nice furniture and a place to display my wife's Lego Millenium Falcon Ultimate Collectors Edition :)

My future workspace! I'll be painting the walls first, that blue has got to go!

My future workspace! I'll be painting the walls first, that blue has got to go!

Since moving to Boise I've been going to Hobbytown's weekly build night. Its been a great place to meet some fellow builders and get a feel  for the Gunpla community here in Idaho. It's a small but passionate group and there's a lot if potential! I've competed in 2 local model competitions with the Starlight Eclipse, MG Providence and Muerte Roja. The competitions here are focused on other models (like cars, planes and tanks) so there isn't really anything for Gunpla, YET! I'm planning on putting together a Gunpla contest for this summer, and maybe a class or two. There's no Gunpla focused compettion in Idaho and I aim to change that. But more on that later. 

In the last few months I've been making slow progress on the Psycho Zaku. I have half if the articulated arms installed in the big fuel tank and I'm super pleased with the results. I ended up customizing some Kotibukya parts for the arms instead if scratch building them. Check it out:


The arms are in place and the panels are held on with silly putty for reference. They'll be painted and mounted when it's finished.

Its gonna be a few months before this bad boy is finished and after that I have some HGs I want to do quick paint jobs on. I have a HG Gouf custom, a HG Blue Destiny and a HG Hazel II and I just realized they're all blue. Hmm. That doesn't mean they'll stay blue so we'll see! I also have a RG Banshee, a Frame Arms Girl and a SD Evangelion kit waiting for some painting love.

More to come soon, but for now it's back to moving! I should have my new workspace set up by the end of May but I'll be posting pics of kits I've snapped up in the meantime. Until next time, keep building!